SMP - Pre-Procedure Check List

2 days before:

Don’t consume alcohol at least 48 hours before the procedure. Alcohol is a blood thinner, making you bleed more. Avoid medication, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, as well. These also increase the risk of bleeding because they prevent the blood from clotting. Tea, coffee, and energy drinks are also blood thinners.

The night before:

Shave your head with a #1 or #0 Hair Clippers. Don't use a razor to cut your hair. The SMP certified practitioner needs to be able to see where your current hair follicles are to successfully blend them into the new ink pigment follicles.

Get a good night’s sleep to make sure you’re in good shape for the operation. And make sure you’re properly hydrated at least a day prior to allow your skin to accept the ink better. Exfoliate your scalp to remove any dead skin cells.

The day of:

Have a hearty breakfast on the day of your procedure to build your stamina. Wash your head also since it’ll be a while before you can take a shower after getting the tattoo. Don’t exercise or use any oily, waxy products on your head. The excess oil can prevent the pigment from retaining.

Bring snacks to eat! The first two SMP Sessions can last between 2-5 hours. Bring food and water to stay hydrated during the procedure.