SMP - After Care Instructions

After Your Procedure Check List:

  1. Do not wash your head
  2. Do not swim & avoid being outside in the rain (keep your head dry)
  3. Try not to sweat (Physical Activity, cardio, working out, ect.)
  4. Use A&D Cream, Auqaphor, or other tattoo aftercare products 2/3 days after the treatment to help with healing the SMP. 
  5. Avoid direct sunlight
  6. Do not wear tight fitting ball caps, beanies, or hats.
  7. Avoid wearing dirty or contaminated items on the treatment area. It is important to keep your head clean to reduce to chances of possible infection.

You may be excited to flaunt your new look, but your scalp is still sensitive a few days after the operation. Even though SMP is non-invasive, it still requires a thorough aftercare on your part.

Immediate aftercare

Skip any activity that would expose your head to water, including swimming, showering, and even exercising. This also means avoiding any task that would cause you to sweat, from hiking, sauna, and others. You can wash your scalp after three days sans shampoo or soap. After a week, cleanse with mild soap.

Your scalp will feel itchy as it heals, but refrain from picking at it. it’s best to let it heal on its own to prevent the spread of bacteria and ensure that the pigment stays.

Long-term aftercare

Strictly avoid any prolonged exposure to the sun during the first month after your procedure. This will prevent any further damage while your skin is still sensitive. If you can’t avoid going out in the daytime, lather on some sunscreen and wear a hat.

Make it a habit to moisturize the tattooed skin with a lightweight cream or gel to help the micropigmentation settle. Also, skip tanning for a while, whether through sun exposure or products, because it may fade the pigment quickly.

The second session of your SMP should happen about a week after the first.

Once your scalp has fully healed, the micropigmentation will last about five years, depending on your lifestyle and skin. Also, remember that although hair tattoo is a non-invasive procedure, you should only go to a specialist with a certification of SMP training. George Huzjak II, M.S. is a Certified Scalp Micropigmentation.